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Friday, 17th January 2025
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Business Advisory Services
Re-inventing | Re-energizing | Lighting Up!
Social Research
Re-inventing | Re-energizing | Lighting Up!
Market Research
Re-inventing | Re-energizing | Lighting Up!

Work Environment Surveys

Suitability of a work environment relates to organizational intrinsic factors.

Usage & Attitude Surveys

How do customers view your products/Services?

Market Research focusing on Usage& Attitudes is key for Fast Moving Consumer goods.

Social Research

Consumer Trends has an experienced team of social researchers and experts in projects evaluation using the Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Sustainability, Impact models.

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Perception Surveys

How do customers perceive your products, services or marketing concepts?  Perception build-up beliefs and attitudes towards the organization and its products/services. A perception study will help your organization design products, services and marketing strategies that lead to positive public image.

Business Advisory Services

Research Services

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Consumer Trends Ltd

P.O Box 11690, GPO

Hazina Towers 16th Floor, 


+254 20-2042355

+254 20- 243870

+254 720-729450

Email: info@consumertrends.co.ke


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